Our Activities
Sree Satyananda Mahapeeth has been developed on Sree Thakur Satyananda’s ideals of attaining the self through selfless service to humanity. Integrated with Rural Development activities, the Mahapeeth project is assuming an eco-friendly holistic character.

In April 2002, Sree Satyananda Vidyaniketan School was set up as a charitable institution to impart education among the needy.

A charitable multi specialty medical facility is being operated from the ashram which caters to the people of the neighboring villages.

Women Welfare
With the empowerment of rural women in mind, a welfare home has been set up at the ashram with the help of IOC.

Yoga Bharati
Maa Archana Yoga Bharati – has been set up to spread awareness about the various aspects of Yoga among the masses.

To spread the glorious heritage of ancient Indian Culture, Vedic Education and Philosophy of Life the Gurukul is being developed.

A dairy with 20 cows has been in operation at Mahapeeth which sells milk and other dairy products to nearby local villages.

Organic Farming
Food grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers and medicinal herbs are being cultivated with bio fertilizers by local farmers.

Multiple charitable tasks in various spheres are taken up by the ashram to alleviate the sufferings of people from time to time.

Spiritual publications, felicitations, promoting classical & devotional songs, dances, dramas, and a lot more are done regularly.