Women Welfare

Women Empowerment
For the empowerment of village women, to make them economically independent and sustain themselves, a Rural Womens Self-Help Center has been started at Sree Satyananda Mahapeeth premises. It was initially sponsored by Indian Oil Corporation.
In the first phase, Cutting & Tailoring, Food Processing, Jute Handicrafts and Beautician Courses were conducted. Currently, the Jute Handicrafts course has been discontinued due to unavoidable circumstances – but the rest are fully operational.
In the Cutting and Tailoring course, women are taught how to cut, sew and create clothing. After successful completion of the course, all women are provided with free sewing machines, so that they can start their own businesses. Many women in the neighboring villages have successfully set up tailoring shops.
In the Food Processing course, women are taught to make various types of Jams, Jelly and Pickles – along with bottling, labeling and marketing. In the Beautician Course, women are taught the fine art of running and maintaining a beauty parlor on her own.